Mushrooms - hardworking forest workers
They are called Satan, pig's ear, flies or bulbous leaves: mushrooms.
A3 R Double Double-DIN
49,99 €
Our forests are full of them: mushrooms. They are mysterious, diverse, useful and rich in species. They are neither animals nor plants, they work in secret and renew our livelihood - the forests. Only their fruiting bodies, which make up only a fraction of their totality, can be seen. The remainder is hidden under the earth as a network of roots covering several kilometers. There are many so-called medicinal mushrooms among them. In traditional Chinese medicine, many of them are processed in naturopathy and used for healing purposes. Again and again, nature - and in particular the mushrooms in the forest - shows us its biodiversity, beauty and graceful wildness. The fascination of these creatures is indescribable. This is what fascinates me personally about nature photography. And so I want to pass it on with my photos and make it accessible to others.
Maronenröhrling | Pilze an einem Baumstamm | Pfifferling | Minipilz auf einem Stück Holz | Steinpilz | Korallenpilz | Fliegenpilz | Kleiner Pilz wächst aus Baumstamm | Pilz wächst aus Fichtenzapfen | Pilz-Schutz für den Nachwuchs | Flaschen-Stäubling Familie | Violetter Lacktrichterling
Size | Type | EAN | Price |
A4 R Double | Double-DIN | 4064076995420 | 29,99 |
A3 R Double | Double-DIN | 4066851327426 | 49,99 |
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