Mexican Flower Market - Xochimilco
Xochimilco is the biggest flower market in Mexico City and these are some of the flowers grown there.
DIN A3 Wall Calendar
32,99 €
Xochimilco is a self-sufficient bourough formed by many chinampas - artificial islands -surounded by a complex system of canals, where the main transportation is the trajineras -boat. The citizens sell their produce at the local market, including flowers, making of Xochimilco the biggest flower market in Mexico City.
Pink Bromelia | Pink Azalea | Black eye Susan Vine | Orange Natal Lily | Bird of paradise | Anthurium | Mexican Snowball | White Lily | Red Crown of Thorns | Japanese Camellia | Purple and white Dhalia | Red and white Poinsettia (Noche Buena)
Size | Type | EAN | Price |
DIN A4 | Wall Calendar | 9781325940554 | 22,99 |
DIN A3 | Wall Calendar | 9781325937172 | 32,99 |
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