Heavy warm-blooded animals
The fascination of heavy warmbloods in twelve beautiful monthly pictures!
A3 R Double Double-DIN
49,99 €
To this day, heavy warm-blooded animals of the Oldenburg-East Frisian breed have not lost any of the fascination they had for generations of horse breeders and users. It almost came to an end some time ago, because the rebreeding to riding horses meant that the pure breeding of the heavy warmblood was banned by government agencies. It is almost a miracle that a small remaining population survived the decline of the breed. Today it is both a cultural asset and a genetic reserve. In Saxony and Thuringia there are again over 1000 mares registered. With good material, other breeding areas such as the former original breeding area Alt-Oldenburg / Ostfriesland are influenced.
Pferdeadel: SW Stute Amely von Underberg | Mit dem Planwagen durch die Oberlausitz bei der Rammenauer Schlossrundfahrt | Moritzburger Hengstparade: 16 Hengste vor der Postkutsche! | Sympathische Schimmelstute, fotografiert beim Osterreiten in der Oberlausitz | Historisches Gespann vor dem Barockschloss Rammenau anlässlich der Rammenauer Schlossrundfahrt | Herrlicher Typ: Ulan v. Underberg - Lord I, Besitzer Fam. Mikus | Keckes Fohlen: Einstein von Eckstein - Underberg | Beim Ackertag in Prietitz bewähren sich die schweren Warmblutfüchse | Elegantes Gespann: Frau Heine und ihr Emiro v. Epomeo - Valerius | Herbstimpression, eingefangen beim Breitensportturnier in Neschwitz | Faszination Fahrsport mit schweren Warmblütern! | Kraftvoll und edel: Sachsens schwarze Perlen - schwere Warmbluthengste, Hengstparade Moritzburg
Size | Type | EAN | Price |
A4 R Double | Double-DIN | 4066851000121 | 29,99 |
A3 R Double | Double-DIN | 4066851583365 | 49,99 |
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