The rock walls come together closely. The water is boiling, falling many meters into the abyss. Then pools again, in which the rays of the sun dance and lizards scurry over the stones. When canyoning you follow the path of water that has carved narrow gorges and deep gorges into the rock over the course of millions of years. Thrills are combined with quiet experiences in nature, apparently well-known mountain regions are completely rediscovered. A monthly calendar with fascinating pictures from canyoning tours around the world.
Fünfzig Meter ohne Wandkontakt! Madeira | Engpassage vor dem Sprung ins Badebecken: Osogna/Schweiz | Panorama-Sprung, Flores/Azoren | Saisonstart im Bares, Gardasee | Vollkommen frei! Casas/Portugal | Glattgeschliffene Granit-Rutsche im Tessin | Mystisches Schluchtenwandern, Portugal | Steile Abbrüche im Himalaya, Syange-Schlucht in Nepal | Canyoning im Vulkan-Gestein Madeiras | Insel-Canyoning mit Schlusswasserfall ins Meer, Azoren | 80-Meter-Abbruch im Nebel, Portugal | Neuland im Tirana River, Albanien
Size | Type | EAN | Price |
A4 R Double | Double-DIN | 4064076975804 | 29,99 |
A3 R Double | Double-DIN | 4066851250137 | 49,99 |
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